Re: scrollbar once again

Ronald Bultje <rbultje ronald bitfreak net> writes: 
> I found that commeting out the line:
> gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, widget);
> fixed it, partly (in gtk_enhanced_scale_realize())

This just means the scale won't get any events (the reason you're
setting this data is so that when an event occurs on the GdkWindow,
GTK knows which widget to send that event to).
> This function I commented out *should* set the user data of the window
> itself to what it is, sounds like a circel to me, maybe that was the
> problem?

No, doubtful.

Hang on - were you connecting destroy/delete_event on the toplevel
GtkWindow or on your scale widget? I mean on the toplevel window.


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