Re: scrollbar once again

On 2001.05.09 15:38:26 +0200 Havoc Pennington wrote:
> To wildly speculate, keep in mind that the "destroy" signal default
> handler disconnects all signal handlers.
> i.e. if you gtk_signal_connect() to destroy it will be called, but if
> you gtk_signal_connect_after() it will not, and no connections to
> other signals will work after "destroy" has been emitted.
> But the code you posted looks like it should work (the delete_event
> handler wasn't needed, since it returned FALSE it just allowed the
> default action of destroying the window to happen; the destroy handler
> should have been called on delete_event for that reason).

I found that commeting out the line:
gdk_window_set_user_data (widget->window, widget);
fixed it, partly (in gtk_enhanced_scale_realize())
Nasty side effect is that resizing the window movies it to the top left
corner of the screen.....
I'm not exactly sure why, yet.

This function I commented out *should* set the user data of the window
itself to what it is, sounds like a circel to me, maybe that was the

Now to get this scale-with-three-sliders nice in my head-application and
I'll be happy. Thanks for all the help everyone has given me.


--   .-.    | Ronald Bultje                        |
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