RE: embedding radio buttons in a clist

On 2001.03.28 16:30:54 +0200 Matt Eisemann wrote:
> Just thought I would send again since have not heard anything from
> anyone. 
>  Should not be that hard of a question, just can't seem to find the
> answer.
> Right now I am modifying an application I wrote a while back but I want a
> way to include a single column of radio buttons in my clist.  This would
> be 
> a Yes/No type format with two buttons for each row.  Can one include 
> buttons of any sort in a CLIST ?  I could not find the answer but think
> it 
> might be possible. Would be happy to include more info if needed but just
> wanted to know if this can be done or can only text be placed in a CLIST 
> and if it can be done, where might I look for the answer.  Thanks for
> your 
> help.
> Matt

I don't know whether this is possible, but here is a simple alternative:
Why don't you create a signal handler for a right button click on the
clist-item, display a menu on right click in which you can set that option
yes/no, like, for example, most mail clients do? The yes/no of that option
in the menu could then be represented by a symbol or something in the


--   .-.    | Ronald Bultje                        |
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