Which to use: CList or Table?

I'm trying to lay out a file list for an application that will do some
batch processing of image files.  I had planned on having three
columns in the window with the list of files.  One column would be a
check box indicating whether or not the file should be processed, the
second column would be the file name, and the third would be a picture
quality metric.  Columns two and three are simple text, but column one
would be a widget.  Now that creates a problem because a CList doesn't
have widget support in GTK+ 1.2.  I could probably hack together
something to replace the check box with a simplified bitmap of a
square box with or without a check in it in order to use the CList.
The advantage of the CList is the ease of inserting and removing
items.  The disadvantage is having to hack in some sore of checkbox.
The advantage of the Table is the widget support.  The disadvantage is
in removing items.  I'm not sure how hard sorting the list is going to
be for either case.

Before I bang my head against the wall too much on this, does anyone
have any suggestions/opinions on what might be easier?
		       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland rlenter com                     76-15 113th Street, Apt 3B
rbroberts acm org                          Forest Hills, NY 11375

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