Re: How to use GtkCheckMenuItem?

>>>>> "me" == Roland Roberts <roland astrofoto org> writes:

    me> I'm building an application with Glade and have run into a
    me> problem with a menu item not behaving as I expect.
    [... description of toggle callback not being called ...]
    me> After some trial-and-error (and poking about the GTK headers), I've
    me> discovered that using the "activate" signal and checking the status of
    me> GTK_MENU_CHECK_ITEM(object)->active is the "right" thing to do.
    me> Is this a Glade problem?  

Yes.  Turns out that for Gnome projects Glade uses GnomeUIInfo structs
for menu item callbacks and only supports the activate callback.  It
supposedly works for GTK+ only projects....

		       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland rlenter com                     76-15 113th Street, Apt 3B
rbroberts acm org                          Forest Hills, NY 11375

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