On Sat, Jun 16, 2001 at 05:39:29AM +0000, raphy7002 caramail com wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently developping a GTK application
> and I need using SDL to improve my application.
> I saw an example of GTK + SDL program on
> but this example doesn't help me a lot.
> In fact I would like to "include" a little SDL window in a 
> big GTK window. (by example to be able to play movies in my 
> GTK application)

The only real solution to this that I can see is to draw another
GTK window in the bigger window and pass that windowid to SDL.

You need a GtkWidget that has an Xwindow associated with to to
pass to SDL (not all Widgets have x-windows, like frames don't).
I use a drawing area inside of a frame for my SDL/GTK application.


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