On 16 Jun 2001 05:39:29 +0000, raphy7002 caramail com wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently developping a GTK application
> and I need using SDL to improve my application.
> I saw an example of GTK + SDL program on
> but this example doesn't help me a lot.
> In fact I would like to "include" a little SDL window in a 
> big GTK window. (by example to be able to play movies in my 
> GTK application)
> There are a lot of newsgroups about this problem, but 
> nobody seems to have a real answer to this question.
> Thanks for your help,
> Raph
> ______________________________________________________
> Boîte aux lettres - Caramail -

AFAIK, there is a Gtk widget which includes a SDL Window. Thought it was
simly called GtkSDL. Haven't used it however, so i don't know anything
about it..... 

Jeroen Benckhuijsen

Software Engineer
Phoenix Software

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