Re: Callbacks and Signals works with Classes?

>no matches converting function `on_button_clicked'
>to type `void (*) ()'
>clases.h:400: candidates are: void

this is member function. C++ member functions are not, and never have
been, interchangeable with regular C functions. this is a common
confusion among relatively new C++ programmers (i suffered from it
myself many years ago).

to do what you want you need:

   class myclass {
       static void on_button_clicked (myclass *);

   gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button),
			    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_button_clicked),

the "static" keyword makes the member function into something
equivalent to a regular C function.

or better yet, use Gtk-- (though many people don't agree with me on that).


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