Re: MDI-like widget?

Timo Sirainen <tss iki fi> writes: 
> So the questions: Has anyone done anything like this yet? Does anyone want
> this kind of widget? Is anyone willing to code it? ;) I might try it, but it
> would take a long time and probably would just end up as ugly and buggy code.

We want a widget like this in GTK+. It's quite a bit of work though,
to have all the nice features you expect and have a nice API.

One way I was thinking of doing it was to have a single container with
slots at left/right/top/bottom/center, and its children can be pulled
out into their own window or go in a slot, and if multiple children
are in a slot you get a notebook there, etc. You'd need to be able to
configure which children could go in which space, limit spaces to only
one child, and other stuff like that.

A nicer way to do it might be to have a GtkDockSpot widget, which is
just one of the slots. You'd have a GtkDockGroup that defined a set of
GtkDockSpot widgets children could be shared between. Then you'd put
these all in a table to get the typical left/right/top/bottom/center
layout. This way any number of alternative layouts would be supported
though, which could be convenient.

But there are various issues to think about, it's unclear what way is best.


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