Re: [gtk-list] gtk_text

>>>>> "K" == KeK  <> writes:

 K> Hello, i'm a newbie with gtk, and i'm a newbie with english too I
 K> use it under windows and visualc and it works perfectly well,
 K> however I would'nt have bet a penny on it :)

 K> Anyway, since i don't have glade i have to write all the code by
 K> hand. Today i came accross a difficulty : I want to draw a text
 K> widget, but how can i determine its dimensions ? i mean its
 K> dimensions change when i change the packing options but i'd like
 K> to force it...  Perhaps some sort of container or a fine use of
 K> adjustements widgets ?

you can set the size with gtk_widget_set_usize.

 K> Moreover when i want to write some text in it, it asks for a
 K> gdkfont. But i don't care, i'd just like to use the default font
 K> (which must existe because i can type something into the widget
 K> without any initialization). How should I do that ?

Pass NULL as the font.


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