Re: cannot compile gtk+-1.2.8

On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
> This look typically like you have older gtk headers present on your
> system which are conflicting with the version you are trying to
> compile.
> Remove those old headers and compile again (preferably with doing a
> "make clean" before; so that you can be sure that no possibly
> redefined symbol will cause unexpected behaviour).
> Wolfgang

Thanks a lot for Your help! I moved all the old headers in
/usr/include/gtk elsewhere and used new tarred sources, nothing

Incidentally I stumbled across the right solution: For some reason I
have to compile gtk+ as root. I don't know why. My system is a Suse
6.4 Linux and nothing really unusual concerning security and rights on
it. But it seems that gtk+ needs some informations it can only get
with root-rights correctly. It would be nice, if some light could be
shedded on this. The INSTALL-file at least does not mention it.

Thanks a lot!

Peter B

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