Re: Minor menu nit

Mark Leisher wrote:
>     Havoc> Not on my computer. Test case?
> Hmm.  It works fine when I use the itemfactory, just not when I create the
> menus myself.  But when I create the menus using the itemfactory, I run into
> the problem of a menu item getting its global accelerator replaced by
> keystrokes that occur when that item has focus.

The trick is to do gtk_widget_set_sensitive (separator, FALSE).
Then it won't get the keyboard focus. This is what itemfactory & Gnome (& Glade)

Maybe it should be considered a bug in GTK+.

> Again the problem can be replicated by running the "itemfactory" example
> program, click once to pull down the "File" menu, type Ctrl+G and the global
> accelerator for the "New" menu item, which has the focus, changes to Ctrl+G.
> Handy for working out global accelerators on the fly, but should be lockable
> for applications.

I really hope this gets turned off by default.
It's a complete shock the first time it happens to a user.


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