Re: Pango Gtk

yousef s <> writes:
>  Hi All,
>  I have three questions about the latest GTK+ 1.3.1
> 1- Is there away to make a bidirectional text widget
> without using the buffer.
> without using the function 
> gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer(...)

No, but why do you want to do that? (In current CVS, if you pass in
NULL for the buffer arg it will make a buffer for you, but this
doesn't work in the preview. Still, you have to have a buffer, even if
you don't make it yourself.)
> 2- about text with buffer, I want to make this widget
> for viewing only.
> " like in the original text widget:
>    gtk_set_editable(...,TRUE)
>    gtk_set_editable(...,FALSE)"

This is available in current CVS, but not in 1.3.1.
> 3- I want to add this widget to a view-box but always
> the result of that is a run time error,
> and my call was:
> gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box),text,FALSE,FALSE,0)

What was the runtime error?


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