how to modify the makefile created by Glade

I've built  the gui  of an  application using  Glade. I've  written some
functions which have to be called inside the callbacks and I put them in
another file,  so that  the code is  easier to be  mantained. How  can I
modify the  Makefile that Glade created  in order to have  this new file
with the functions compiled inside my application?

I've seen that if I modify the line appl_name_OBJECTS I can specify some
file like  libraries or  .o to be  included in the  main program,  but I
don't know how to tell the gcc to create a .o file before.

Should I  modify some  other lines  or have I  to insert  a new  line in
section all: ?

Thank you, and excuse me if my question is too stupid.

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