Re: Gtk::Text widget

> I need to write the "View" first, and then see where these
> features would fit in.  But, I *do* wish to add features like the ones you
> describe.  I just don't know if they belong in the widget or in the app,
> yet.

   As someone who put tooltips and completion lists in an edit widget I'd
suggest not putting them in the basic widget. Far more useful would be
having a general framework for allowing associated widgets - your users will
come up with many more ideas for associated widgets than you have thought
of. Things like navigational aids, layout rulers, fill-in-the-blank
micro-forms etc. This will also make it easy to substitute better widgets
such as replacing Scintilla's use of the standard old GTK+ CList with a
better list with more features. A core strength of GTK+ is enhancement
through composition rather than having fat widgets.

   Once you have a basic edit widget which makes additions easy, then it may
make sense to package up a group of related functionality as a mega-widget.


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