small bug in toolbar widget?

I am working on a GTK+ client to GMPP(Generic Music Player Project) and
have encountered what i believe is a small bug, can anyone verify this?

        handlebox = gtk_handle_box_new();
        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), handlebox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

        toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL,
        gtk_toolbar_set_button_relief(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), GTK_RELIEF_NONE);
        gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(handlebox), toolbar);

                /* exit button */
        make_button(gtkgmpp.window, exit_xpm, mm_exit, toolbar, "Exit", "Exit");

                /* gap to try avoid accidental exiting */

                /* about button */
        make_button(gtkgmpp.window, about_xpm, about_win, toolbar, "About", "About");

make_button() appends pixmaps onto said toolbar, the code isnt relevant.

The problem is, the toolbar is too thin to show the beveled edge on the top and
bottom of the toolbar, but the edge is apparent in the gaps where the space
was put in and the excess on the end beyond all the buttons.

If I make the window larger, the toolbar grows a bit and the beveled edge is
apparent throughout the toolbar.

Here are some urls to screenshots of the problem:

I am not setting the widget size of the window, or anything involved here,
shouldnt the toolbar be setting a sane size for itself automatically, one
which doesnt obscure the beveled edges?

Please cc me directly in your replies (or only reply to me), I am not subscribed
to the gtk-list.

- Vito Caputo
  GNU Generation

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