Maturity of gtk+ on NT?

Hi all,

I'm wondering about the maturity level of the port of gtk+ to
WindowsNT.  If I write a GUI application using gtk+, perhaps doing some
displays with glade, can I reliably expect to be able to run it on NT
after recompilation with cygwin/mingwin?

I don't anticipate any serious OS interaction for the application,
basically just sending and receiving UDP messages.

Also, anyone have success stories with using libglade on NT?  

How about on mixing glade and hand-built displays?

Some of my displays would really benefit tremendously from being
changeable on the fly, without recompilation, but I might be launching
those displays from another display not built with glade.

If these questions are more appropriate for the gtk-app-devel-list, my
apologies and please let me know.

Thanks in advance,

Eric Monsler

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