GtkWiW update...need some gdk help too.

   Ive now started coding the GtkWiW (window in window) widget, and
things are going moderatly well, but the main problem that I expressed
yesterday remains.

   I am using a GtkLayout widget to hold the sub windows, because it
seems like it will make things easier when i get to moving windows
around and such (extremely easy if my calculations hold...knock on
wood). Apparently, GtkContainer widget have no "stacking order" ( I
havent actually checked, past the header file) which means that if i
stick one of my subwindow widgets in it, I have no way of raising it to
the top. So far, i have tried about 20 different methods without any
luck. What i have right now is a button inside the sub window widget
that calls a bring_to_top function when it is clicked. I then call
gdk_window_clear and gdk_window_hide and gdk_window_show and then
finally gdk_window_raise, but nothing really changes.

   I think that I may be able to remove the sub window widget from the
GtkLayout, and then put it back in, which would most likely raise it to
the top, but that seems like cheating, and I know there must be a better

Any help is greatly appreciated, and im sure that everyone will benefit
from the use of the new widget.


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