RE: [gtk-list] Re: Installation GTK+ in Sun Sparc

On 13-Jan-00 Drazen Kacar wrote: 
>  Takdir CHOWDHURY wrote:
> > Is it possible to compile GTK+ and glib(version 1.2.2) with Sun CC compiler?
>  I've never tried with CC, but it's perfectly possible to do it with cc.
>  Glib and GTK+ are C sources, so it's natural to compile them with the C
>  compiler.

Hi, Drazen,

can't agree with you!! If I try to compile some gtk+ applications with
the IRIX cc compiler (IRIX 6.5.6), than problems arise with /usr/local/include/glib.h,
so that the most sources can't be compiled. Only with gcc, compilation runs.

I think therefore, /usr/local/include/glib.h (for example) is not written
in full compatible C!


Joachim Backes


Joachim Backes <>       | Univ. of Kaiserslautern
Computer Center, Supercomputing Division     | Phone: +49-631-205-2438 
D-67653 Kaiserslautern, PO Box 3049, Germany | Fax:   +49-631-205-3056 

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