Piling notebooks...

Does anybody know anyway of piling notebooks ala Java Swing mode?
I know that this would make my program interface different from others
GTK programs. But I think sometimes piling notebooks ala Java Swing mode
(not W32 mode that swaps piles when one clicks on one sheet) maybe
I tried to insert a notebook child inside every sheet of the first pile
notebook's sheets. But this is not compatible with the pop_up menu, and
I have to push a sheet in the first pile, and then a sheet in the second
pile (child of the first notebook pile of sheets). And that is not the
behavior I wanted. Any ideas?
Well, if this is impossible I am starting to think of a more general
notebook widget, that allows various piles, or even top, left, right,
and bottom piles at the same time, and allows DnD support. When my
thoughts are finished, I'll tell you all about my ideas.

By the way, does anybody knows how to be notified of the mouse cursor
entering the label widget of a sheet inside a notebook?
I have been able to attach the enter_notify_event and leave_notify_event
to the notebook widget, but with no luck with the sheets labels.
Does anybody know how to do this, or if this is even possible?
That would allow DnD support among sheets very easy... (I believe).

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