Re: [gtk-list] Re: ANNOUNCE: Experimental C++ Wrapper

Anders Melchiorsen <> writes:
> Interesting. Does Sugar work when I am generating my GUI using Glade?
> I use plain (Glade generated) GTK+ in a C++ program and the constant
> casting is getting annoying.

Anytime you have a C widget you can just "cast" it to a Sugar widget:

 GtkWidget* c_entry;
 c_entry = glade_xml_get_widget(xml, "entry1");

 Entry entry(GTK_ENTRY(c_entry));


if you aren't using libglade I guess you can do the same thing with

I have the .defs file for a GladeXML object wrapper, generating 
a wrapper like this:
 Glade::XML xml("");
 Widget w = xml.get_widget("entry1");

however I'm not sure it's very useful since you don't want a Widget, 
you want the specific subclass.


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