Re: [gtk-list] Re: Resizing widgets with a mouse [OT]

>You're making my case!  It's the user that wants to place the
>windows/widgets into a very tight area with their own geometry.  The
>WM simply cannot do this and shouldn't ... I agree!  Keep in mind

The WM can do this, but most of them choose not too. You may never
have seen the "old" Siemens RTL window manager, which imposed "tiling"
(non-overlap) policy on all windows. The WM can force windows to go
wherever it (or the user wants).

>that 'no decoration' translates to 'no function' with regards to
>resizing and moving the windows, at least nothing as

Sorry, but you're wrong about this. A window manager can choose to add
a border without the "top frame" and allow resize/move to be driven
from button/key events when the pointer is on the border. its not the
same as having the "top frame" that many WM's routinely use.

>not my goal.  The goal is to allow the user a workspace were they can
>place th eir widgets to their liking be it right or wrong (you know
>much like the Unix philosophy of allowing you to do whatever you wish
>while programming be it rig ht or wrong!).

I use both IceWM and fvwm2, and I can do this to my liking with both
WM's. I have several windows (Emacs, xosview, gcd) that i prohibit
"decoration", but not "borders", and others that have everything, and
even some with no border but a decoration ("transparent" rxvt's, for
example). even without borders and decoration, i can
resize/raise/lower/move windows with keyboard commands to the WM.

What's the problem ?


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