Re: menu accelerators

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Guy Harris wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 10:50:44PM -0600, Lars Clausen wrote:
> > On Fri, 01 Dec 2000, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> > > as far as i can tell, this is not a built-in feature of GTK, but
> > > something done by the GIMP. the menu accelerators in my Gtk-- apps do
> > > not appear to be dynamic.
> > 
> > Well, Dia does it as well, as does Eye of Gnome, Gnome Control Center,
> > Gnotravex, Glade,...
> ...Ethereal...
> As far as *I* can tell, it's a built-in feature of GTK+; Ethereal's menu
> bar is extraordinarily boring and vanilla - we didn't do anything to
> enable it.
> > haven't found any that doesn't do it.  Maybe Gtk--
> > disables it?  I'm very happy to have this an inherent feature of Gtk.
> The mouse-pointer aspect of the feature hasn't ever bothered me.
> However, if you do Alt+{character} while a menu item is activated, *even
> if the mouse pointer isn't over the menu item*, it makes Alt+{character}
> the accelerator for that menu item; this means that if you're driving
> the menu via the keyboard, you'd better take your finger off the Alt key
> before striking any menu accelerator key, or, instead of activating the
> menu item whose "mnemonic" (to use the Windows term - i.e., the
> underlined letter in the menu item, if any) is the character in
> question, it assigns a new mnemonic to the currently active menu item,
> which is probably the default item.
> I don't think that's ever gotten in my way; however, it *might* surprise
> somebody used to Windows (where I think the Alt key can be down or not
> when the menu-item mnemonic is pressed) or, I think, Motif (which, if I
> remember correctly, requires that you *keep* the Alt key down).
> > I'm not sure if they're automatically saved, though.
> They're not, at least not in Ethereal; i.e., an application would
> presumably have to save them itself somehow.

 All gnome apps save user-defined accelerators automatically (at least if menu
was contructed by gnome*factory) in files in ~/.gnome/accels.

 As for me, I would like gnome and gtk apps adding menu item "lock all
accelerators" and "unlock all accelerators" to their menus (and it would be
nice if the state of it was persistent). Thus, after user defined all accels 
he wanted, he locks them in order not to change the accidently.

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