Icon set in Gtk+???


I would like to know why there is not an icon set with the gtk distribution.
I'm thinking of the standard Gnome icons. Why there are not included in Gtk?
The standard widget and dialog boxes are lacking decorations. The file 
selector, for example is ugly. What do you think about using icons in this
dialog (for the create, rename and delete buttons??). I'm also thinking about
adding a 'Home' button.

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
(lambda (what-do-you-want-to-know?) (cdr (assoc what-do-you-want-to-know?
 '((name  . "Frederic BRUNEL")       (www   . "http://www.chez.com/brunel/"))
   (job   . "Software Developer")    (uin   . "2189048")
   (email . "brunel@mail.dotcom.fr") (phone . "0 556 123 750"))))
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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