Re: [gtk-list] Re: that pixmap engine/GtkEntry problem again

In message <>you write:
>Paul Barton-Davis <pbd@Op.Net> writes:
>> Is there any chance of a fix to the problem of the pixmap engine
>> messing up the style of a GtkEntry ? If the GtkEntry has colors set
>> for the background, the pixmap engine just ignores them. This is
>> incredibly annoying. Is a fix in the pipeline somewhere ?
>> I use different colored bg's for GtkEntry's quite a lot to indicate
>> various things, and it makes it impossible to use a pixmap theme with
>> these applications. Truly painful.
>A pixmap theme can have a pixmap as a background for the
>That pixmap could be any color.
>What do you want it to do with your color setting?

Given that the default "theme" also has a color for the entry
background, butmy .gtkrc style file plus any others loaded
subsequently can override it, I would expect the pixmap theme to do
the same thing. That is, if I don't specify the bg, the pixmap theme
can do whatever it wants, just like the default "theme" does. If I
*do* specify the bg, then I expect whatever theme I use to honor it.

Obviously, in many cases of highly integrated themes, doing this can
lead to ugly results, but since this is entirely in the hands of the
user, I consider that to be completely fine.


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