Re: Online Help; also, Could not open help topics file NULL

Larry Morley <> writes: 
> With gnome-hello, as an example, what does it mean?  As far as I can
> tell, the app never actually tries to use it's .html help file.  By
> default, it puts its "stuff" in /usr/local/share; it seems that
> production apps use /usr/share/gnome.  Right?

It's looking for the HTML help file in $(prefix)/share/gnome where
$(prefix) is wherever you installed gnome-libs; so you need to install
gnome-hello in the same place as gnome-libs.

> Also, when (and where) would one call gnome_help_file_find_file()?
> The call itself makes sense; but, I can't quite figure out where
> it would go.  I've got a feeling the error message and the location
> of the help file are loosely related, but I'm not exactly sure how.

find_file() is being used internally to look wherever gnome-libs was

This is basically a broken feature with gnome-libs 1.0. To work around
it, you probably want to do your own callback for the help menu item,
that looks in the install prefix of gnome-hello itself.


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