Re: [gtk-list] Point size

rhfreeman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I use gdk_gc_set_line_attributes to alter the size of the lines I draw - but
> I am unable to find a similar function for when I just draw points.
> Does anyone know of such a function?

gdk_draw_point() is just for single pixels.

I think you may want to look at gdk_draw_arc() to draw circles.

Here's the gdk_draw_arc() documentation:

Draws an arc or a filled 'pie slice'. The arc is defined by the bounding rectangle
of the entire ellipse, and the start and end angles of the
part of the ellipse to be drawn.

drawable:  a GdkDrawable (a GdkWindow or a GdkPixmap).
gc:        a GdkGC.
filled:    TRUE if the arc should be filled, producing a 'pie slice'.
x:         the x coordinate of the left edge of the bounding rectangle.
y:         the y coordinate of the top edge of the bounding rectangle.
width:     the width of the bounding rectangle.
height:    the height of the bounding rectangle.
angle1:    the start angle of the arc, relative to the 3 o'clock position,
            counter-clockwise, in 1/64ths of a degree.
angle2:    the end angle of the arc, similar to angle1. 


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