Proper Panel Swallowing?

I'm having trouble persuading the Gnome Panel to swallow "gstripchart"
and "lavaps".  I have gotten gstripchart swallowed a few times, and once
lavaps appeared in the panel (although in upper left of its area instead
of inside its frame).  Is there a recommended sequence of incantations?

I see that .gnome/panel.d/default/Applet_Config is often getting
garbled, with parameters from some applets stomping on other entries.  I
have been clearing it out during my testing...not that I had much choice
as Panel sometimes hung.  So my problem is not that garble.

I did get gstripchart to be swallowed when using the full name "Gnome
stripchart viewer" (as reported by xwininfo)..sometimes.  Sometimes I
get several copies appearing at startup.

The lavaps app has been more stubborn.  Lavaps is a process display
which looks like a lava lamp, using Tcl/Tk.

The List archives revealed one Swallow bug fix last year, but I hope
that was included by now.  Red Hat 6.0, Gnome 1.0.7, Enlightenment

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