RE: automount problem

"Ostroff, Jack H" <> wrote:
> I'm on a Solaris system, and we have automounts galore.  (Simplified
> version of reality follows...)  Everybody's home directory is on
> one particular machine in /export/home with automount to /home on
> any machine you log into.  On my workstation, if I 'ls -l /home'
> I see only my own home directory, unless someone else is logged
> in, or I have specifically done a 'ls /home/someoneelse' recently.
> There are no symbolic links involved.
> Some Solaris guru (I'm not) should be able to explain how this is
> done, and whether it's relevant to this discussion.

The automounter sits on /home in your case and waits for an explicit lookup  
of a home directory. Only after an explicit lookup, the mount is performed  
(either involving the symbolic link or mounted directly in place) and the  
directory or symlink is listed.

This avoids the symlink problems as discussed so far, but it's rather  
uncomfortable if you can't browse automounts in a GUI, for example. If you  
use a "point and click" GUI, having the directories listed is the only way to  
access them.

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Starkjohann
Objective Development |

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