Re: [gtk-list] Does it exist?

Sean Cody wrote:

> I'm curious if there is any projects on tutorials for application design in
> GTK+ and/or Glade.  What I am refering to is the dicussion of how exactly to
> design applications not the api in which to do it.
> Questions posed could be:
>     How should data be dealt with?
>     What is the best way to modularize windows?
>     What are the most common appoaches to application design?
>     Tips on text mode to gui application porting.
> I think of a tutorial/book/site based on this topic would be extremly useful
> as  anyone can learn an api but not everyone can use it effectively (as I
> have learned first hand).
> If such a project doesn't exist I would be interested in contributing to
> one.  How about anyone else?
> Sean
> --
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Also, if you would be interested in helping me write a design book for GTK, let
me know.  I have had the same thoughts.  I would only allow it to be publiished
if it were accepted by O-Reilly.  This would be a fun endeavor.


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