Re: [gtk-list] running ssh-agent before gnome-session

Here is what I use now you will have to integrate the gnome-session thingy
in but it shouldn't be too difficult to modify my line....
in .xsession just replace blackbox with gnome-session

exec echo "ssh-add;exec blackbox" | exec ssh-agent sh

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, [iso-8859-1] Martin Norbäck wrote:

> I was just wondering if someone has a solution to my problem.
> I am using Gnome at work, and I have a number of other unix accounts
> that I need to access from there. For this I am using ssh.
> There is a program called ssh-agent that lets you type your ssh key
> passphrase and then informs ssh of it every time you connect. This saves
> a lot of typing, since the passphrase is quite long.
> The problem is that for this to work, gnome-session needs either to
> inherit the environment variables set by the command "eval `ssh-agent`"
> or to be run by ssh-agent with "ssh-agent gnome-session".
> Does anyone have a clean solution to my problem?
> regards,
> 	Martin
> -- 
> [ ] [ PGP: 0x453504F1 ] [ UIN: 4439498 ]
>     Opinions expressed above are mine, and not those of my future employees.
> 		  Skingra er! Det finns ingenting att förstå!

Sean Cody (aka NullStream) (SCHOOL)      (HOME)           (WORK)  

"If God's my witness then God must be blind."
	Garbage - As Heaven Is Wide

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