[gtk-list] Gtk/Perl ..and more questions =-)

> and destroy it by calling;
>     $window->TOPLEVEL->destroy;

Thanks a lot for your help Dermont, but i still have a lot of problems
with my project...

trying to destroy a window from this one, (a window showed by clicking on
another one) (sorry for my english) i have this error:

Can't access method `on_boton_21_cerrar_clicked' in class Gtk::Button at
src/Project2.pm line 3463.

The code to show the window is this:

sub on_boton_1_buscar_clicked {
    my ($class, $data, $object, $instance) = @ARG;
    my $me = __PACKAGE__."->on_boton_1_buscar_clicked";
    my $form = $__PACKAGE__::all_forms->{$instance};
    my $win_buscar = Subwin_buscar->new;

  and when I want to destroy this Subwin_buscar with something like
window->TOPLEVEL->destroy i have that error.
  Anyway all buttons return this error no matter what they do... why is
this??? please help me soon....thanks.

*  Luis Felipe Piccolini Marfull  *   / __ \(_)___  ___*
*    Ingenieria en Computacion    *  / /_/ / / __ \/ _ \
*      Universidad de Chile       * / ____/ / /_/ /  __/
* mailto:lpiccoli@dcc.uchile.cl   */_/   /_/ .___/\___/*
* ICQ: 41580700                   *       /_/          *
* http://cipres.cec.uchile.cl/~lpiccoli                *
* "No juzgues a un libro por su tapa...                *
*      juzgalo por sus monitos (imagenes)."  Pipe      *

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