newbie question - pixmap color change

$)CI'm three weeks old linux & qtk newbie and just found this mailing list two
days ago.  As this suggested I was trying to search before asking but the
address "http:/" is not correct
location and send email with archive egrep doesn't work.  I think I'm
definitely doing something wrong.  So, I finally give up to do by myself
and asking help, think it will be easy to you.  Here is my question;

I'm trying to manipulate pixmap image loaded by 'imlib' - I want to change
one of colors of image.  Under other system, all I need to do is change the
content of palette and redraw.  How can I do this in gtk??

Thanks in advance..
p.s. is there any well documented reference manual?  Working with only
header files and partially documented manual (gtk+ reference at is so hard and too slow to make progress. :(

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