itemfactory radiomenuitems?

Hello all

Does anyone have  a working example of how to use radiomenuitems with
itemfactory?  Or can anyone point me to what I am doing wrong?  I have
an itemfactory that creates 2 radiomenuitems. "/Shade/Flat" and
"/ShadeSmooth", now, when I run the prog, and click on "Shade", both of
the items are selected.  I click on one of them, the other unselects,
and the next time I click on the menu, they work as expected.  But it is
the first time I click on the menu that I am having troubles with.  I
create the items, and then use get_radiomenuitem_widget(path) to get the
item so that I can set it active, but that does not work.  Any clues?

Thank you

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