Re: style bg_pixmaps and gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask

>A mask needs to have a depth of 1 bit. (That is transparent/

As I realized last night. I knew it was a depth thing, but not that
the requirement was that depth = 1;

>You could load 
> style->rc_style->bg_pixmap_name[state]

Even though the header file marks this area of the style as "private" ?

>yourself with gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm(),
>and then get both the pixmap and mask for the file,
>but in general this operation doesn't make a lot of sense
>for me.
> - If you want to use a pixmap and mask in your program
>   explicitely, there is no reason to go through an
>   RC file. Just load them directly.

Well, yes and no. Having all the UI-related configuration information
in one file is much nicer than splitting it across two of them, and if
the user wants to be able to specify their own pixmaps, this would
then be necessary.

> - If you want shaped bg pixmaps for widgets, use
>   the pixmap theme engine which is meant to handle
>   such things.

My impression of the gtk-engines stuff is that its very heavyweight,
poorly documented (*), not totally integrated into mainline GTK+ yet, and
certainly not integrated into Gtk-- (which I'm using). I would love to
be corrected on any or all of these points.


(*) for example, from the stuff at, which is as close
as anything seems to come to documentation on the theme engines, its
far from clear what aspect of the image{} specs allow you to define
the processing of a named (via gtk_widget_set_name()) widget rather
than one of the standard set. I'd love to learn more about this.

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