Annonsment: GpLib 0.0.3 (C++ wrapper for glib)

GpLib 0.0.3 (pre alfa)

Version 0.0.3 of GpLib is out. It contain som smal templates for
semi-inteligent pointers and other nifti things. Wrappers for glib
Quarks and Hashtables is done and fairly documented. Ther is an
wersion of the Hashtable that automagicly handels dynamic memory.


Most of the work have so far been figuring out an flexible interface
to store 'any' C++ class or type (that fits) in the glib contaners
gpointer slot. The main use is for storing intelligent pointer type
of classes (that usaly contains exactly one pointer in ther instans).

A runtime (debugtime) assertion will check that the type do actuly
fitt in an gpointer. Do anyone know a way to do it in compiletime? I
don't think so cose it must in that case happen during the template
instantiation (so preprocessor magic wont do).

I will not work on this for some weeks but coments, testresults and
fixes is werry welcome. The code is *not* well tested but i belive it
is in some parts usefull (Quarks and Hashes). So... Use, test and

As always, my english needs improvments....

Thanks /Lars

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