Re: [gtk-list] Basic Beginners Installation question

On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 09:24:41PM +0000, Peter Bubik wrote:
> Hi,
> Ok, may be I am dumb and maybe that's why I should stick with stupid
> Microsoft stuff - but I would like to change both so bare with me - I
> need to learn.
> I am trying to install gimp on a linux computer at school where we  all
> have our own user accounts. I was hoping to install it in my account
> without write access to root. (Tell me if I am dreaming already...)
> I managed to untar the gtk+-1.2.3.tar.gz and ran the ./configure without
> any problems.


how come if you haven't installed glib. :-)
this is too smooth in my opinion or glib is allready on this
computer, if so then there's a chance that you have gtk also
installed. (search your hd for libglib or libglib)

as a normal user you are not allowed to run
ldconfig, so you will have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
where you have glib, gtk installed.


es gibt themen genug in deinem eigenem leben, und wenn sie einmal
ausgehen, gibt es themenlaeden. - die sterne

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