Re: [gtk-list] GLADE question

Rich Shepard wrote:
> That is, the main window has a menu bar on the top (but I cannot figure out 
> how to add the menu) 

Add a menu bar from the palette, right mouse button on it gives you a
menu where you can chose "edit menu" or something like this.

> In this main area, I want a CList (three columns) on the left half and
> a 3-tab notebook on the right half. I can build the CList, but it takes up
> an entire window. 

[x] You want to use a HBox with two rows :-)

> How do I specify that these components are all supposed to fit together in a 
> specific way and get them to be the correct size and placement?

Just play around with the widget options and look what happens! It's

 +      Robert Schwebel,  Rueninger Weg 3g, 38124 Braunschweig         +
 +       Public Observatory Rothwesten (near Kassel, Germany)          +
 +        phone: +49-531-611959, e-mail:           +

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