Re: [gtk-list] gcc-2.8.1 (was Re: Unidentified subject!)

Sorry that this is off-topic for this list, but I feel compelled to point
out that this is not necessarily true. I have been using gcc-2.8.1 to
compile the Linux kernel for the last 3 stable versions at least and have
had no problems (other than more warnings than with previous versions).
No idea about egcs though - you're probably right.

Compiling gcc-2.8.1 is not particularly difficult so long as you keep
your previous gcc hanging around until you're sure you have installed
everything properly - and you _read_the_instructions_. But using the Red
Hat package is probably the sensible thing to do, especially if you're not
used to "rolling your own"...

- Andrew

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Erik Mouw wrote:

> No. You really need gcc to compile the Linux kernel, plain
> gcc-2.8.1 and egcs-1.1.2 can't be used. I don't know if it is possible
> with RedHat 5.0 to have both the gcc and 2.8.1 packages on the
> same machine.

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