
I come from a VB background, but have recently moved
to gnome/gtk c.  i picked up on the c language pretty
quickly (i did have some prior experience), but the
only thing i'm not so sure with are strings.  in vb
strings were rather simple.  basically, what's the
difference between a string declared as:
char some_string[10];
char *some_string;
gchar some_string[10];
gchar *some_string;
GString *somestring = NULL;

what makes them different and when should i use each?

 * Bob Phan        <>
 * Ver. 16.2       NOTE: This is still beta software!
 * UIN: 28211578   Callbacks aren't fully functional!
 * This person is licensed under the GGPL.
 * (General Geeks Public License). All rights

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