Re: [gtk-list] Re: Widget questions

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Emmanuel DELOGET wrote:

>     The GTK+ FAQ provide a list of widgets (with the hierarchy).
>     You shoud habe a look at it.

  Thank you, Emmanuel, I forgot about that. Now I need to understand them
>     I don't think that such a widget exist (but I may be wrong).
>     Adding a validator should not be so difficult (it could be
>     a glib object).
  Sigh. I was hoping to not write my own. I thought that with all sorts of
data entry front ends out there, someone would have already invented the

  Why a widget? If I call a C function wouldn't that run faster? I suppose
that I'd also have to have a table with masks for each field and do the
comparison against the applicable mask for each character entered in the
field. Groan! This looks like a major project in itself!

  Anyone want to help?


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
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