Re: Timer callbacks stall out (stop getting called)

Eric Livingston <> writes:

> I'm running gpppkill on a Thinkpad 755c, with RH6.0 and the 2.2.10 kernel
> (with all RH updates applied).


> Eric
> P.S. - I also tried gstripchart, and it exhibits the same symptoms - mouse
> events work fine, but after a second or two it stops updating its display
> (i.e. the timeout callback is no longer called)

To concentrate on this - gstripchart (and all other timeout using
programs) work flawlessly on every Red Hat 6.0 I've dealt with.

So, we need to figure out what is different about your system.

- Are you using the GTK+ included with Red Hat 6.0? If not
  what version? Did you compile it yourself?

  (GTK+ versions as of January or so actually had a bug where timeouts
   greater than 1 second didn't work, but that has been long

- What other components of the system have you modified?
  You mention a 2.2.10 kernel - which you presumably compiled
  yourself - anything else?

If nothing sticks out here, you can try to debug the problem...

The easy way to start on this is to strace a malfunctioning
program and see what timeout values it is using for poll().

The strace shipped with 6.0 isn't updated for 2.2 system
calls, so you may want to grab a newer one:


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