Re: [gtk-list] ./configure

OK. This is a rather late answer, but I must admit, that I waited for a
reaction of some freak myself.

Up to now I have used these sources (More or less useful, but I am still
looking for something calm and friendly for nervous beginners):

There is a small tutorial (including script) by Raph Levien

If you have received any good hints to nice documentation, please let me
know, I feel a bit stranded sometimes, too.


Don Myroon wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'd like to learn how to use the ./ and ./configure scripts to create
> makefiles and such to compile programs that I'm going to learn how to write and
> then write.
> Where can someone find information on ./configure and ./
> Oh yeah, they will be gtk/gnome programs so that's why I'm asking here.  :-)
> Thanks!
> Don
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