Flicker in gtk+-1.1.15

Just for notice; in an application of mine (gtk+ version of crossfire
client) I used a table of 11x11 pixmaps for the game display. The drawing
of the game display is done by setting GC for each of the cells and
copying a pixmap into it with gdk_window_copy_area, and when the copies
and drawing is done I call gtk_widget_draw on the table.

However, somewhere between gtk+-1.1.12 and gtk+1.1.15 a small problem
appeared, where the table starts flickering and getting white lines
flickering across the game display during updates (the white lines
flicker across the entire table, not just single pixmaps). 

I solved the problem by moving to using a gtk_drawing_area and a backing
pixmap, which should be more 'correct' either way, but since the problem
might appear in other uses of the table widget I thought I'd notify about
it anyway :).


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