Re: [gtk-list] resize and imlib

On  7 Feb, Ketil Froyn scribbled:
->  Hello.
->  I've made a program that uses imlib to draw images in a window. I load the
->  image, resize the window (with
->  gdk_window_resize(window->window,image->rgb_width, image->rgb_height)),
->  and then i do gdk_imlib_apply_image(image,window->window). What happens is
->  that imlib checks the window's height and width, and finds them to be what
->  they were *before* i resized, and then it scales the image to this size,
->  and draws it. Then, in the next configure_event or expose_event, the image
->  is drawn again, this time the correct size. This scaling is neither quick
->  nor very nice to look at. Any suggestions?

you have to reverse your logic.

do a gtk_widget_set_usize(widget, image->rgb_width, image->grb_height);
then (I assume its a drawig area) in the "configure_event" callback 
gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(area), "configure_event",
                   GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(image_cb_resize), NULL);
then do
gdk_imlib_apply_image(image, widget->window);

this is because all resizes, draws etc in gtk are DELAYED and not
immediate - you have to wait till it has been done and then respond to
--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------       /\___ /\ ___/||\___ ____/|/\___
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