Re: [gtk-list] functions!!!

Hola Xavi & Miquel!

>Hello list!!!
>I've got a little problem relating functions with buttons...
>I want to switch on/off concrete fields (as entrytext) depending on the
>buttons you've pushed. I mean when a concrete radio_ button or
>check_button is pushed then a entry text field (just as an example) has to
be activated in
>order to introduce text.
>Could I trouble you telling me the way to implement this functionality
>with GTK's?
You can get the event when the radio button is pushed by connecting the
widget to the "clicked" (FIXME I'm not sure) signal (with
gtk_signal_connect) and then when this happens, use
gtk_widget_set_sensitive(TRUE or FALSE) on the widget(s) you want to
disable/enable. I am not sure about the name of the signal, but somebody on
the list will tell you.

Un saludo

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