FW: [gtk-list] drawing_area - newbie question.

> Hi
>  Is there anyway to display a GtkWidget inside a gtk_drawing_area ?
> ie. something like 
> 	gdk_draw_widget(GdkDrawable *drawable, gc, x, y, widget, ..);

GDK is a X-windows wrapper. It has basically nothing to do with GTK (except that GTK is using GDK, but not visa versa!).

Theoratically it's possible to add GtkWidgets to GtkDrawingareas, but I do not think you want to do that (you have to do a lot on event handling yourself). Why don't you take a lokk at te GnomeCanvas. You'll have to learn some extra things to use it, but it can draw lines and arcs as well as widgets.

I suggest you use the GnomeCanvas.



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