Re: [gtk-list] Difficulty using theme engines


I fixed this on my machine by doing the following: 

cd /usr/local/lib/gtk/themes/engines
ln -s /usr/lib/gtk/themes/engines/libpixmap.*  .

Once you do this, everything should work again ...

--> Robert

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, M. David Krauss wrote:
> Greetings.
> I sent the following text to this list in early November. It came through the
> list back to me just fine, but I never saw any answers. Perhaps something went
> wrong and nobody else recieved it? Or perhaps nobody has any ideas to help.
> At any rate, reading the list daily has proved an educational experience, and I
> wish to thank everyone who has posted either answers or questions for giving me
> things to think about.
> Here is my problem as posted previously:
> -------------
> Okay, I've searched the archiives, read the FAQs, even looked at
> some of the sources, and I'm stuck.
> I can't get GTK themes to work. Well, more accurately, I can't get the theme
> engines to work. Every time I try to load a theme that uses anything but the
> default engine, it spews out a bunch of lines like:
> Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate loadable module in module_path: "",
> Well, that's easy to explain. There is no such file as
> There is a libpixmap.a and a, as well as equivilant files for each
> of the engines, under /usr/local/lib/gtk/themes/engines, but no .so files to be
> seen.
> So I went back to the gtk-engines source tree and rebuilt it carefully. Nope,
> no .so files are generated or installed at any time.
> Many many thanks in advance for any advice!
> -- 
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