Typical mode for CList not selectable

It would seem to me that the most typical mode of CLists is not
attainable without managing selections manually.  What I mean by that is
that a lot (most?) CLists in applications have the properties:

a) that you click an item once to select

b) you click another item once to select it and the first deselects and
the new one becomes the selected item

c) if you hold down CTRL while selecting, you select the new item in
additoin (without deselecting) the first one, multiple CTRL clicks
continue to build the list of selected items

d) a second selection while holding down the SHIFT key selects all items
between the first and second selections inclusive

e) assuming that all of the above are button 1 single clicks, a button 1
double click on an item usually has an action in addition to selection
associated with it

f) list items frequently have a context popup menu available with a
button 2 or 3 click on an item or items

I can certainly get all of the above behaviour with a "MULTIPLE" CList
and a signal handler that examines the event structure and does item
selection/deselection to the recipie above, but it would seem to me that
a selectable mode within CList itself to perform all of the above
functions would certainly be handy!

Or maybe all of the above is handled in a mode and I am missing
something here.



Brian J. Murrell                              InterLinx Support Services, Inc.
North Vancouver, B.C.                                             604 983 UNIX
        Platform and Brand Independent UNIX Support - R3.2 - R4 - BSD

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