Re: [gtk-list] Re: pthreads error while configuring

Cyrille Artho wrote:

> >
> > So the threads wouldn't be useful for a lot of programs if I understand
> > correctly. This is kinda strange for me since I'm coming from windows and
> > almost everything uses threads in there... Can't I install thread support?
> > I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone could tell me what package it was or
> > something.
> >
> > Thanks a lot,
> >
> In some programs, threads are used due to poorly concepted GUIs, where
> the event handler gets too messy so it is easier to implement several
> components as several threads. Also, "forking" (or Windows' complement
> to this) and task switching does not work well, so approaches using
> multiple processing are too slow. However, this works fine under Linux.
> Multiple processes are much safer than multiple threads (it is very hard
> to write a good multithreaded program), plus they allow you to do things
> you can't with threads (since threads share everything but the PC
> [program counter] and stack pointer).
> I am afraid I still can't help you with your problem - maybe upgrading
> to glibc helps :)
> --
> Regards,
> Cyrille Artho -
> It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is
> lightly greased.
>                 -- Kehlog Albran, "The Profit"

I was already wondering if Linux didn't have another sort of implementation
than threads and that would prolly be the multi processing... now that I know
threads aren't that useful I'm happy enough, thanks for the detailed info.

Kind regards,

Ferry van Steen

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